Common Symptoms of Maple Tree Dieback

Are any of these statements true about your Maple Tree?

“My Maple Tree is losing leaves, but only on one side of the canopy.”
“My Maple tree is not producing as many new twigs this summer.”
“My Maple tree’s leaves are already turning brown and orange.”

If so, your tree may be experiencing Maple tree dieback. It is a common tree condition that results from a lack of water, sunlight, and nutrients. Continue reading to learn more about Maple tree dieback, and some effective treatment solutions.

Maple Tree Removal 317-537-9770

Maple Tree Removal 317-537-9770

Maple Tree Dieback Symptoms

If you Maple tree doesn’t quite look the same as it has the summers before, it could be under stress. Stress can be caused by a number of things, including pest infestations, droughts, poor soil conditions, inclement weather, construction, and more. Dieback is a common result of tree stress, as well as the above-mentioned factors. It is important to look for the signs of Maple tree dieback in order to catch the process early on. The sooner you address a sick tree, the higher your chances are at saving it from ultimate decline.

Here are some common signs of Maple tree dieback:

🍁 Dead branches or twigs at the top of the canopy, especially in late spring or summer;
🍁 Foliage loss on one side of the tree;
🍁 Pest Infestation;
🍁 Rotted or exposed tree roots;
🍁 Leaf discoloration, usually autumn colors;
🍁 Decreased twig and branch growth from the season before;

Treatment Options

There are only two primary ways to treat Maple dieback that have proven effective. The first is to eliminate a pest infestation and prevent future pests with routine insecticide application. The second option is more commonly used, and it involve a strict regimen of watering, fertilizing, and pruning to rehabilitate the tree.

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Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and experienced tree care contractors that offer a wide range of residential and commercial tree services at competitive prices. We also provide free arborist referrals for sick trees. Call 317-537-9770 to request a free estimate for Fishers tree service, today.

Why are Eastern Red Cedars Referred to as Bagworm Trees?

Fishers Tree Services 317-537-9770

Leftover Bagworm House

The Eastern Red Cedar is a well-known conifer tree that thrives year-round in U.S. hardiness zones two through nine. Because of their low maintenance, ease of growth, high survival, and aesthetic rewards, Eastern Red Cedars are popular landscaping trees for both residential and commercial properties. However, they are highly susceptible to a particular type of pest infestation, thus giving them the colloquial name, “bagworm trees.” Continue reading to learn how bagworm infestations affect Eastern Red Cedar trees, and what you can do to solve the problem.

What are Bagworms?

Bagworms are highly invasive insect species that, in large numbers, have the ability to take down large Eastern Red Cedar trees in a short amount of time. Unlike traditional worms, they hatch in late spring as tiny caterpillars. In their caterpillar state, they weave a thin silk thread that carries them with the wind to another host plant. During this time, they generally attach and feed off of Juniper, Cypress, and Arborvitae trees, while also constructing their silk bag portable home, which looks similar to a dunce cap. Once they grow larger, they begin to attack trees such as Eastern Red Cedars, Italian Cypress, Arborvitae, and more.

The bagworm’s home is an interesting and distinctive feature of the species. They construct it on top of themselves, with their feet and mouths at the opening for feeding. They then decorate their houses overtime, using pieces from their host tree. They use leaves and needles as shingles, and even an occasional berry on top! This is how they disguise themselves from predators.

By September, bagworms are done feeding, and will begin to prepare for winter. They do this by sealing their homes and entering into a month-long pupae stage. After this pupae stage, males emerge as a 1-inch long black moth with clear wings, while females transform into an egg producing grub with no wings, legs, antennae, or functional mouthparts. After males fertilize the females, the females lay up to 1000 eggs inside their sealed home, and then die. The eggs hatch in late spring, between April and May.

Treatment for Bagworm Infestations

The best treatment for a bagworm infestation is manual bag removal followed by a cycle of insecticide applications. A spray application of Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) on the foliage of the host tree is the general insecticide treatment used to control bagworm infestations. You will need to contact a local arborist for professional tree inspection, assessment, and treatment.

Fishers Tree Service

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Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for Fishers tree service you can trust. We are experienced tree care contractors who offer a wide range of commercial and residential tree services, from routine tree care to major tree work, and everything in between. On top of the most competitive prices in town, we also offer tree service coupons and discounts. Call 317-537-9770 to request a free estimate, today.