Common Symptoms of Maple Tree Dieback

Are any of these statements true about your Maple Tree?

“My Maple Tree is losing leaves, but only on one side of the canopy.”
“My Maple tree is not producing as many new twigs this summer.”
“My Maple tree’s leaves are already turning brown and orange.”

If so, your tree may be experiencing Maple tree dieback. It is a common tree condition that results from a lack of water, sunlight, and nutrients. Continue reading to learn more about Maple tree dieback, and some effective treatment solutions.

Maple Tree Removal 317-537-9770

Maple Tree Removal 317-537-9770

Maple Tree Dieback Symptoms

If you Maple tree doesn’t quite look the same as it has the summers before, it could be under stress. Stress can be caused by a number of things, including pest infestations, droughts, poor soil conditions, inclement weather, construction, and more. Dieback is a common result of tree stress, as well as the above-mentioned factors. It is important to look for the signs of Maple tree dieback in order to catch the process early on. The sooner you address a sick tree, the higher your chances are at saving it from ultimate decline.

Here are some common signs of Maple tree dieback:

🍁 Dead branches or twigs at the top of the canopy, especially in late spring or summer;
🍁 Foliage loss on one side of the tree;
🍁 Pest Infestation;
🍁 Rotted or exposed tree roots;
🍁 Leaf discoloration, usually autumn colors;
🍁 Decreased twig and branch growth from the season before;

Treatment Options

There are only two primary ways to treat Maple dieback that have proven effective. The first is to eliminate a pest infestation and prevent future pests with routine insecticide application. The second option is more commonly used, and it involve a strict regimen of watering, fertilizing, and pruning to rehabilitate the tree.

Fishers Tree Service

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Fishers Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and experienced tree care contractors that offer a wide range of residential and commercial tree services at competitive prices. We also provide free arborist referrals for sick trees. Call 317-537-9770 to request a free estimate for Fishers tree service, today.

Winter Tree Damages and Diseases

There are several factors that influence the degree or likelihood of damage and disease to trees in the winter. These include variables like tree species, location, dormancy, temperatures, precipitation, and more. Many assume that cold temperatures will kill a tree, but there are more serious threats in the winter than that. In fact, it’s not cold weather that harms a tree, but rather extreme fluctuations in temperatures. A tree must acclimate slowly to freezing cold temperatures in order to survive them once they arrive; and they can only do so if the temperatures gradually decrease as the fall ends and winter begins. Sudden or extreme changes in climate can de-acclimate trees, leaving them vulnerable to rapid freeze and more. You can learn more about that, as well as, other common tree damages and diseases that occur during the winter season, when you continue reading.

Frost Cracks

Frost cracks, also referred to as radial shakes, affect a tree’s bark and trunk in the wintertime. These are long, vertical cracks, both deep and shallow, that may appear in the trunk of a vulnerable tree after temperatures drop below 15 degrees Fahrenheit. This is generally caused by sudden or extreme drops in temperature, and most commonly occurs on the South or Southwest side of trees. Once they appear, they usually come back every winter season. Tree that are more vulnerable to frost cracks include Red Maples, Walnut trees, Willow trees, and Oak trees.


Since trees experience the most temperature fluctuations on their South and Southwest side, they are also susceptible to a condition called sunscald. It appears as an elongated canker growth, and generally tends to affect thin-barked trees like Willows, White Pines, Beeches, and Maples. The cause is sudden over-exposure to direct sun. Additional signs of sunscald include lack of foliage, stem dieback, and stunted growth.


Similar to sunscald, winterburn is another seasonal condition that can greatly injure trees. But rather than mostly affecting the tree’s bark, it affects the foliage. Winterburn will cause leaves to appear burnt at the tips, curl up, and brown. It is common to see winterburn on trees like evergreens, Hemlocks, and pines, but also on Rhododendrons and Boxwoods. Loss of water through leaf transpiration is a common cause of winterburn.

Branch and Limb Breakages

Frozen ice and snow accumulation can cause tree branches to bend, snap, break, splinter, and fall. For this reason, it is important to make sure there is nothing kept beneath any tree covered in an excessive amount of heavy snow or ice. Broken limbs and branches are a common sight during winters with high precipitation. Use a broom to lightly release heavy snow accumulation from trees on your property to reduce the chances of limbs breaking.

Salt Damage

Salt is a necessity in many communities in terms of snow/ice removal and control. But it comes with its drawbacks. Not only does salt leave unsightly stains and marks on fabric like car mats and pant legs, and it also causes tree damage if improperly managed. Salt can linger in the soil and cause root damage, while aerial deposits damage the tree’s branches and limbs. But the damage from salt is not evident until spring and summer. Signs and symptoms include dead turf areas, branch dieback, leaf discoloration, and leaf scorch.

Keep Your Eye Out For Our Next Month’s Blog to Learn How to Reduce Winter Tree Damages Like These!

Tree Service Fishers

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for prompt and professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with more than two decades of experience in the industry. We offer a wide range of tree care services, including tree removal, transplanting, trimming, pruning, shaping, topping, stump grinding, lot clearing, tree disease treatment, and more. We offer both residential and commercial tree service at the most competitive prices in town! Call 317-537-9770 today for affordable, high-quality tree removal services in Fishers, IN.

The Most Common Tree Diseases in North America

Trees can fall ill from disease and infection just the same as any other living organism. In America, trees can be victim to several diseases; some of which have no treatment or cure. It is important to protect our trees from hazardous elements and harmful exposure; however, in nature, these things tend to take their own course no matter what. Continue reading to learn about the most common tree diseases known and seen in Indiana, and how to safeguard your property from these damaging ailments.

Heart Rot

Heart rot is a fungal condition that affects the integrity of a tree’s trunk, bark, branches, and structure. The disease attacks hardwood trees specifically, such as oaks, walnuts, ash trees, birch trees, poplars, and all other types of deciduous trees. It weakens and rots the bark from within; even more so in harsh weather and windy conditions. It creates a danger zone for anything surrounding the tree below. Heart rot has caused trees to tip, bend, and fall onto homes, cars, and other expensive assets. Some signs of Heart Rot include:

• Fungus Growth
• Protruding Mushroom Caps
• Leaning Tree Trunk
• Wood Decay
• Fungus Conks
• Mold
• Etc.

Healthy trees will naturally combat Heart Rot with a process called compartmentalization. In order to get healthy trees, routine maintenance is essential. Regular pruning, fertilizing, wound care, and more is vital to sustain a tree’s immunity. A local tree service company or technician can give you all the tips and advice you need for DIY tree maintenance.

Chestnut Blight

Chestnut Blight is a disease that affects the American Chestnut Tree. This tree was once one of the most important timber trees in early twentieth century society, until a devastating Chestnut Blight epidemic took effect. It wiped out nearly all of the Chestnut tree population in North America, leaving behind very few mature trees today. Chestnut Blight is a pathogenic fungal disease that enters through tree wounds and grows from within. Just like Heart Rot, it will eventually weaken and decay the bark; jeopardizing the structural integrity as a whole. Evidence of Chestnut Blight can include symptoms such as:

• Tree Cankers
• Callus Formations
• Swelling and Cracking of Bark
• Wilting Leaves
• Fallen Branches
• Browning Leaves
• Leaning Tree Trunk
• Wood Decay
• Discolored Tree Bark
• Etc.

Oak Wilt

Another common fungal disease that can kill trees is called Oak wilt. As the name describes, it only primarily species of Oak trees; however, it can harm other species of tree as well, but in a different way. Red Oaks have proven to be more susceptible to Oak Wilt than species of White Oaks. Examples of Red Oaks include Black, Red, and Northern Pin; while examples of White Oaks include Bur, White Stamp, and other round-leafed species. The disease is locally spread from infected trees to healthy ones by insects and plant roots. The infection causes the crowns of Oak trees to reduce and die. It also harms the bark, leaves, and tree branches. Signs of Oak Wilt include:

• Bronze-Colored Leaves
• Branch Loss
• Dead Crowns
• Leaf Wilting
• Discolored Vascular Tissues
• Brown Stains Under Bark
• Etc.

To reduce the likelihood of infected trees on your property, be sure to provide them with proper routine maintenance and care, year-round. Trees require checkups and upkeep just as we do. Recommended tree maintenance includes trimming, pruning, topping, fertilization, dead wooding, and more. It is best to consult a tree service company for professional advice and information on residential or commercial tree care.

Fishers Tree Service

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Fishers Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for affordable tree service and disease control in Fishers, Indiana. We provide all residential and commercial tree services, including stump grinding, lot clearing, tree removal, repairs, disease treatments, dead wooding, trimming, shaping, and more. And on top of our competitive prices, we offer even more savings with our monthly tree removal and tree service coupons! Call 317-537-9770 for reputable and affordable
tree service and tree disease treatment in
Fishers, IN
and its surrounding neighborhoods.

How to Dig Up a Mature Pine Tree

It’s quite easy to remove a young evergreen, but mature trees require a lot more work. Pine trees and other evergreens are beautiful and ornamental assets to residential landscapes. They provide their beauty and benefits all year long, in all regions of the country. In some cases however, they need to be removed. Most often, pine trees need to be removed if they are dead, dying, or need to be transplanted to another location. Either way, if you choose to dig up your pine tree on your own, you will need to review some guidelines to the process. Continue reading to learn how to dig up a pine tree and tips for tree removal.

Evergreen Tree Removal

In order to protect a tree during transplanting, you must dig it up carefully and at the right moment. The guidelines below is a method for safely removing pine trees for transplanting purposes. You may also, however, refer to these same guidelines to remove a dead or dying pine tree as well. It is important to know that pine tree transplanting is a lot of work, and requires some pre-planning and preparation. It is strongly encouraged to have another capable person there to help. This is especially important for large trees. If you are not in good physical health, it is not a good idea to remove a pine tree on your own since it requires physical effort. Instead, call a local tree service company for safe and professional tree removal you can afford. For those who wish to remove a moderate size or mature pine tree, here’s how to get started:

1. Always remove pine trees while they are still dormant. This is in the late winter months, between February and April.

2. Do not attempt to remove a pine tree with a branch spread of more than four feet wide. Any larger, and you will need heavy equipment to manage the weight and height of the tree.

3. The night before digging up the pine tree, water it thoroughly around the base. This will keep it well-hydrated enough to prevent distress during the transplant process. Allow a hose to flow for 10 or 15 minutes around the base of the tree for a deep watering. Soil should be wet as deep as 5 inches.

4. Measure and mark a radial line around the base of the tree to use as a guide for digging up the tree’s root ball. Increase the radius by 2 inches for every 12 inches of branch spread.

18 inch Branch Spread = 1 Foot Radius
24 inch Branch Spread = 14 inch Radius
36 inch Branch Spread = 16 inch Radius

5. Use the tip of a sharp shovel to pierce the perimeter of your marked radial line to begin the dig. Continue to etch out this perimeter until you reach 9 inches deep for an 18 inch radius.

11 inches Deep = 2 Foot Radius
13 inch Deep = 3 Foot Radius
14 inch Deep = 4 Foot Radius

6. At a 45 degree angle, dig down below the root ball. Pull back on the shovel handle to help pry roots from the soil. It is safe to cut tough, vertical roots that won’t break free. Use your shovel edge or tree pruning shears.

7. At this point, you will need assistance lifting the tree from the ground. Do this by holding onto the base of the tree trunk, and then working your hands down under the root ball, using your legs to lift it out of the ground.

8. After the tree is out of the ground, wrap the root ball in wet burlap. This keeps the roots hydrated and prevents them from overheating. Use jute twine to secure the burlap while you transport your pine tree.

9. Fill the empty hole with leaves or soil.

It is highly important to call a licensed arborist for help with large-tree transplanting and removal. They retain the proper tools, training, and equipment to safely and efficiently remove trees. If you have never dug up a tree before, and it is a tree you wish to preserve, it is highly recommended to trust a professional to ensure accuracy and safety.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified tree specialists that provide a wide range of tree care services; including tree removal, transplanting, lot clearing, stump grinding, tree disease treatment, trimming, pruning, and much more! We also offer tree removal coupons and discounts! Call 317-537-9770 for safe and professional tree transplanting in Fishers, IN today.

What is Oak Wilt Tree Disease?

Oak trees are among the most majestic and beautiful trees in Indiana. They provide an abundance of benefits, and service even more purposes. But just like all living organisms, Oak tree are vulnerable to disease and illness too. One of the most common forms of oak tree disease is called oak wilt, and affects hundreds of acres of oak trees each year. Continue reading to learn more about oak wilt and how to manage a tree with this disease.

Oak Wilt Disease

Oak wilt is an intravenous fungal disease that attacks the vascular system of an Oak tree. It inhibits water and nutrients from accessing the tree’s canopy, causing the entire tree to suffer. There are two primary ways oak wilt disease is spread. The first and most common means of oak wilt transmission is root grafting. Root grafting occurs when the root systems of two separate trees come together and share water and nutrients. This is very common for trees that are close together. So if one tree becomes infected with oak wilt, and it is grafted with another tree’s roots, it can spread the disease to the other tree.

The other common form of oak wilt transmission is through beetles. Nitidulid beetles can carry oak wilt fungus from one tree to another. They are most active during the months of February to June, which is why you should never trim oak trees during this time of year. Nitidulid beetles are attracted to wounds in oak trees, so if an oak tree is newly trimmed during their active time of year, Nitidulid beetles will go for the fresh cut marks in the tree and potentially spread disease. For this reason, be sure to only trim Oaks between July and January. If an oak tree must be trimmed between February and June, pruning paint can protect against Nitidulid beetles and other pests.

The only effective method of treatment or preventative care is fungicide injections. Once oak wilt is identified within 200 feet of your landscaping trees, it is a good idea to proceed with fungicide injections for precautionary purposes. But preventative precautionary fungicide injections are not always effective. Once a tree is infected with oak wilt, the only fungicide treatment that can cure it is called Propiconazole. Again, treatment is not always effective. Talk to your local arborist for information about protecting your landscaping trees against disease and other hazards.

Tree Service in Fishers, IN

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Fishers Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We provide a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties at the most competitive prices in town. Services include tree disease treatment, tree transplanting, tree removal, tree trimming, pruning, shaping, lot clearing, and more. Call 317-537-9770 for affordable and fast tree removal services in Fishers, Indiana.

Beware of Bacterial Leaf Scorch

When trees are in full bloom, the condition of newly sprouted leaves can give clues regarding the overall health of a tree. Leaves and branches are always an effective indicator of a healthy tree or a distressed tree. Curling edges and discoloration are two of the most common signs of tree problems. One tree disease that causes both of these conditions is called bacterial leaf scorch. If your leaves are still green in the center, but browning at the edges, it could be leaf scorch. The same goes for a yellow border around the edges of the leaves.

Causes of Bacterial Leaf Scorch

The primary cause of bacterial leaf scorch is an insect called a leaf hopper. Leaf hoppers do not mean any harm, but their appetites cause injury to trees. They retain penetrating mouth extremities that allows them to suck all the water and nutrients from the tree leaves. Without sufficient water and nutrients, trees cannot survive, and the first thing to show evidence of this is the leaves.

The other problem is that leaf hoppers transmit the bacterial leaf scorch from one tree to the next. So as soon as a leaf hopper comes into contact with the bacteria (Xylella fastidiosa) that causes leaf scorch, it is equipped to transmit the bacteria to the next tree is dines from.

The bacteria attacks the tree’s xylem, which is the essential water transporting system of a tree. So if a tree is not treated within a short amount of time, it can die. Although there is no “cure” for bacterial leaf scorch, it can be contained with systematic treatments of bactericides. It may require several treatments, but after a while the tree can be sustained with a simple annual application. This is why it is important to catch it as early as possible. Call your local tree guys for an inspection.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We offer a wide range of tree services, including tree disease treatment, tree removal, tree transplanting, trimming, stump grinding, lot clearing, and more. Our prices are the most competitive in town, but we still offer tree service coupons every month! Call 317-537-9770 for Fishers tree service you can trust.

Recommended Pest Control Products for Trees and Shrubs

Utilizing safe but effective pest control products can be a fantastic way to protect your trees and shrubs from hazardous insects and more. There are various insecticide products available on the market, all ranging in price, target, and quality. For this reason, is it important to distinguish the good products from the poor-quality or ineffective ones. Continue reading for three top-recommended tree pest control products that are both safe and effective for trees and shrubbery.

Martin’s Dominion Tree and Shrub Insecticide

If you are looking for an environmentally-safe non-toxic insecticide, Martin’s Dominion Tree and Shrub Insecticide is a great choice. You can find this product online, or on the shelf at most garden and landscaping stores. The price per bottle is relatively inexpensive, ranging from $15 to $30, depending on the size or quantity. A 32 ounce bottle costs around $25 on average. This rain-roof solution protects against insects like aphids, crickets, grubs, ticks, beetles, and more. The best part is that it can be applied to trees, shrubs, lawns, bushes, and more without causing any harm! It treats and protects trees for up to 12 months, so reapplication is necessary on an annual basis.

Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Insect Control

Another effective rain-proof, environmentally-safe, and non-toxic insecticide on the market is Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Insect Control. It is scientifically designed to destroy all pests and prevent infestations; including Emerald Ash Borer, ticks, larvae, beetles, wasps, termites, and more. This product is perfect for more mature trees are a large quantity of trees. The familiar blue bottle with its equally-familiar red banner generally costs anywhere from $100 to $150, for a one gallon portion. Although a bit pricey, it is an optimal choice for large-scale tree care and protection. It is a concentrated formula too, so you are getting much more than one gallon’s worth of product, making the cost more understandable. It is to be mixed with water and then poured at the base of trees for up to one year of protection. Just like the aforementioned product, it needs reapplication on an annual basis.

Zylam Liquid Systematic Tree Shrub Ornamental Insecticide

Another effective and non-toxic insecticide product that comes highly recommended is called Zylam Liquid Systematic Tree Shrub Ornamental Insecticide. It is more like a topical solution that can be applied to bark and foliage, or used as a soil-injection, tree band, or drench. Like the others mentioned, this product is specially-formulated to kill all pests and prevent infestations; including Emerald Ash Borer, crickets, ticks, larvae, beetles, wasps, termites, and more. Since it moves intravenously through leaves, it even targets and destroys insects that hide underneath leaves. This colorless and odorless solution generally costs around $150 per court, depending on the quantity purchased and retailer.

Tree Service in Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are trained and qualified arborists with several decades of experience in the tree industry. We provide a wide range of professional tree services for both residential and commercial properties; including tree removal, tree trimming, transplanting, tree disease treatment, stump grinding and removal, lot clearing, and much more. Call 317-537-9770 for prompt tree removal services in Fishers, IN.

Which Types of Insecticides are Used to Prevent Emerald Ash Borer Disease in Trees?

Emerald Ash Borers are beetles that can cause a significant amount of destruction to Ash Trees. In order to prevent such infestations, arborists commonly apply systematic insecticides for optimal tree protection. Systematic insecticides contain the active ingredients dinotefuran, emamectin benzoate, or imidacloprid. These chemicals have all been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and deemed appropriate for agricultural applications. They are approved to be used for certain gardens, crops, and foods because they are “reduced-risk” insecticides. They are also used in certain veterinarian applications, like deworming medication for horses and dogs. Continue reading to learn about each insecticide ingredient and where they are applied for pest control purposes.

Active Ingredients

The ingredient imidacloprid has low enough toxicity levels that it can be used on pets to prevent fleas and ticks. It is used to prevent insect infestations and other types of pest infestations in turf grass, farming crops, and landscaping florae.

The ingredient, dinotefuran, is actually sort of new in the world of insecticides. It shares similar properties as the last ingredient, but more information about this is not yet conclusive because there’s not enough research about it quite yet.

The last ingredient, emamectin benzoate, actually comes from a natural source. It is taken from soil bacterium and has been registered for use with the Environmental Protection Agency for more than 10 years. It is approved to be used as a foliage spray for vegetable crops and also cotton fields. Another interesting fact about emamectin benzoate is that it is also used in salmon aquaculture to prevent parasitic lice infestations.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Call 317-537-9770 for prompt and professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree care industry. We provide tree services for residential and commercial properties all throughout Fishers and its surrounding neighborhoods. We also offer tree service coupons! Call 317-537-9770 for tree disease treatment for Emerald Ash Borers in Fishers, IN today.

Get Rid of Moss on Trees

Moss can seem to be a beautiful occurrence in nature, but the truth is, moss is closer to being a mold and mildew problem than anything else. It grows quickly, thriving mostly in moist and dark environments, just like mold. During the rainy season, moss can grow quickly and survive longer because the overcast skies and wet environment are the perfect combination of dark and moist. Moss is hard to get rid of and remove, and it requires constant preventative maintenance to prohibit a future mold and moss outbreak. Many homeowners notice moss growing on their trees, and wonder how to get rid of the problem. Continue reading to learn about moss, moss removal, and its effect on landscaping trees.

Moss Removal

Moss can create hazardous and costly situations for homes and properties; like making driveways and sidewalks slippery, covering lawns and gardens, overtaking trees, and causing roof and siding damage to our homes. Moss can overcome a tree, covering it from trunk to limb. This is unsightly and can cause moss to spread if the conditions are just right. The best way to prevent a mold and moss disaster is to remove mold, and implement methods to control its return.

Tips to Stop or Remove Mold on Trees:

• Water the Lawn Less Frequently
• Do Not Water Trees in Shaded Areas
• Aerate the Soil
• Improve Water Drainage on Lawn
• Tree Pruning
• Keep Tree Branches Thinned and Trimmed
• Increase Sunlight Exposure to Trees
• Power Wash Tree Trunk (only in winter when tree is dormant)
• Manually Remove Moss from Tree Trunk (by hand)
• Test PH of Lawn with Soil Testing Kit
• Combat Acidic Soils with Lime Applications
• Contact Qualified Arborist for Professional Service

When moss becomes an overwhelming issue for your trees, contact a qualified Fishers Indiana tree service contractor for professional assistance and advice. They retain the proper tools, resources, and training to accurately diagnose and treat tree problems.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree service industry. We offer a wide variety of tree services for residential and commercial properties. Tree transplanting, tree disease treatment, tree pruning, trimming, removal, and more are just a few services to name. Call 317-537-9770 to learn more about our professional tree services in Fishers, IN today.