Why it is Important to Plant Trees Native to Indiana

Spring and fall are the best times of year to plant new trees; and with the Autumn season fast approaching, you might be thinking about some incorporating some new additions to your property. If so, be sure to brush up on all your relevant tree planting and tree care guidelines. In fact, one of the most important considerations is plant hardiness. The best chance at maintaining healthy trees all year long is to choose species that are native to your region. For us Hoosiers, this means planting trees that are hardy to Indiana climate.

Continue reading to learn why it is important to select trees that are native to Indiana, including what you need to know about U.S. hardiness zones, seasonal tree care, and more.

Fishers Indiana Tree Services
Fishers Indiana Tree Services 317-537-9770

Local Hardiness Zones

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.” This map is based on the average minimum temperature that occurs during the winter, per year, over the past 30 years. It is important to understand that these values are not derived from the lowest temperature that has ever occurred, but rather, the average annual radical minimum temperature during a past 30-year period.

The USDA Hardiness Zones for Indiana are 5 and 6, specifically 5b, and 6a, and 6b.

Common trees that are hardy to Indiana zones include various species of Ash, Cedar, Pine, Hemlock, Elder, Birch, Beech, Cherry, Walnut, Chestnut, Buckeye, Hickory, Locust, Magnolia, Maple, Oak, Poplar, Sweetgum, Sycamore, Willow, and more.

Environmental Support is Another Benefit

Not only does planting trees native to Indiana set you up for years of tree thriving success, it can also help the local environment. You see, Indiana hardy tree species are also important to the surrounding Eco-systems, especially local wildlife. Furthermore, native trees do not typically experience pest infestation problems as much as non-native trees. This makes backyard activity more comfortable and fun, plus protects your adjacent gardens and flowerbeds from insect damage.

Keep in mind that native Indiana trees are not always a guaranteed success. There are several other factors and duties you must attend to in order to ensure your trees survive season to season. The best approach is routine tree maintenance. Talk to your local Fishers Indiana tree care specialist about your recommended tree service program for your unique property.

Call Our Licensed Fishers Tree Care Technicians for Affordable Tree Services

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree service, including tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, lot clearing, underbrush removal, and much more. Request an estimate, today.

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When Can You Move Containerized Trees Outside?

Indoor plants are a wonderful asset to any home or office. Not only do they add décor and delight, they provide a wide range of health benefits, such as natural air purification and indoor air quality. However, if you have containerized trees indoors, you can’t expect to keep them inside forever.

Most trees grow species grow to incredible heights; heights that are generally not conducive to the average ceiling levels in homes and apartments. So, unless you are growing a tree that does not exceed 6 to 8 feet in height at full maturity, you’ll eventually have to move it outdoors, and perhaps even transplant into the ground at some point.

But when is it safe to move containerized trees outdoors? After all, it is February, so it might be too soon. Continue reading to learn when is the recommended time to move your indoor trees, outside.

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Fishers Tree Service 317-537-9770

Caring for Containerized Trees

During the later parts of the Indiana winter season, between February and March, keep your containerized trees near windows that receive a lot of sunlight. This will aid in nutrition absorption and support stronger growth. Once outdoors temperatures are consistently above freezing, in the 40 to 50 degree Fahrenheit range, you can safely move your containerized trees outdoors; but just for the day!

You see, the general rule of thumb when it comes to containerized trees is the 45 degree Fahrenheit rule: if the overnight temperatures are still dropping near or below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, you must continue to pull them back indoors until overnight temperatures reach an ambient level of at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

When to Plant Trees

Along with the general rule of thumb of ambient outdoor and overnight temperatures, you must also wait until the ground is no longer frozen before you transplant a containerized tree. Generally, the safe zone for unfrozen soil is between April and May. So, be sure to wait until spring is in full affect before you plant anything in the ground. For additional help and knowledge, see our blog, “What Should I Do For My Trees Right Before Spring?” to get started on the right foot.

Call a Fishers Tree Care Company for Accurate Advice

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree service, including tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, lot clearing, underbrush removal, and much more. Request an estimate, today.

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Fishers Tree Service Coupons 317-537-9770

Learn How Trees Can Reduce Your Monthly HVAC Bills

Trees serve a wide range of vital purposes, many of which we need to survive. But did you know that trees can also save you money? It’s true! Continue reading to learn how you can strategically plant trees around your property to reduce monthly heating and cooling costs for years to come!

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Fishers Tree Service Company 317-537-9770

Trees Help Us Through Winter

Trees do a lot to help us through the winter. First, they serve as a natural snow fence, preventing excessive snow accumulation on our properties. Similarly, they serve as a natural wind barrier, which helps to prevent freezing snow conditions on our properties and makes our outdoor areas more comfortable. As a result of being a natural snow and wind barrier, your home is protected from the harsh effects of heavy winds, cold temperatures, and snowstorms, all of which can cause an increase in your heaters performance.

By adding more trees to your property’s landscape, you can help reduce the harsh effects of winter weather, and therefore, reduce your home’s need to continue producing heated air. This is how trees can help you increase your energy efficiency, and thus, save you money on HVAC bills!

Where to Plant Trees

In order to maximize the utility of your landscaping trees for the purpose of energy efficiency optimization, you must develop a concentrated strategy that best meets the needs of your house’s location. For instance, if all the bedrooms in your house are facing the backyard, you might want to focus planting trees in the back of your property to shield that side and help keep your rooms cozy in the winter and shady in the summer. Just be sure to avoid planting trees near utilities or power lines, as this can pose several hazards and break certain city codes.

Another spot to focus your tree planting strategy would be on the East and West side, where the sun rises and sets every day. Although this doesn’t have much of an influence in the wintertime, protecting your house from sun exposure will keep it cooler and save you money on air conditioning bills in the summer. See our blog, “Tree Planting Tips” for help with choosing a good spot for your new trees.

Residential and Commercial Tree Service in Fishers

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree care in Fishers, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree service, including tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, lot clearing, underbrush removal, and much more. Request an estimate, today.

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Fishers Tree Service Coupons 317-537-9770

Plant a Tree for Earth Day!

Earth day is right around the corner! Monday, April 22nd will be a day for everyone to take time to appreciate our wonderful and unique planet. Want to really do your part to show some support? Now that it is spring, it is the perfect time of year to plant a new tree. Our Earth can’t get enough trees, and planting one on your property will reap you infinite benefits as well!

Continue reading to learn some interesting facts about Earth day, as well as, some tips for planting a new tree!

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Fishers Tree Services 317-537-9770

The History and Meaning Behind Earth Day

Earth day was first created back in 1970 for the purpose of celebrating our planet’s environment and Eco-systems, as well as, to support overall environmental protection, preservation, and consciousness. It is an annual event that falls on the same April 22nd of every year, and ensues with a wide range of happenings, celebrations, fundraisers, awareness programs, and more all across the globe. Today, more than 193 countries participate in Earth day celebrations, all of which are harmonized worldwide by the Earth Day Network.

Tree Planting Tips

Although you can show your support of Earth day by recycling, picking up litter, carpooling, using less water, making donations to environmental preservation initiatives, volunteering, and much more, a long-term achievement you can be proud of is planting a tree! Below are some helpful tips for tree planting that you can use and pass onto others.

🧭 Choose the Right Location

A tree needs the proper amounts of sunlight and water, as well as suitable soil conditions and space to grow. Be sure all of these needs are met in the area you plan to plant your tree. Refer to nursery instructions for help.

🗺 Adhere to the U.S. Hardiness Zone Map

You wouldn’t have much success planting a cactus or palm tree in your front yard. Be sure to check the U.S. Hardiness Zone map for the proper species to plant in Indiana. Read our blog, “What is the USDA Hardiness Zone for Indiana?” to learn more.

🕳 Dig a Good Hole

When digging a hole for your new tree, be sure it is at least five times larger than the tree’s root ball. This will ensure there is plenty of space for the roots to breathe and grow. One of the most common reasons why newly-planted trees fail is due to planting them too deep.

☙ Use Proper Mulching Practices

Once you have placed your tree into the hole, refill it using the original soil. Then, apply 2 to 4 inches of a quality mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture and add valuable organic matter to the soil. Keep it at least 6 inches away from the trunk.

Call a Fishers Tree Care Company for Help

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree service, including tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, lot clearing, underbrush removal, and much more. Request an estimate, today.

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Fishers Tree Service 317-537-9770

What You Need to Know About Your Soil

There is no better way to upgrade your landscaping than to enhance your lawns and gardens. Trees, shrubs, flowers, and grass that look great make all the difference when it comes to curb appeal. In fact, a better-looking landscape can increase property value. This is a good tip for those planning to list their house or building for sale. However, it takes more than water and sunshine to get great results. Before you get to the growing part, you must start with a strong basis: healthy soil.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about soil in order to grow the healthiest and prettiest flora!

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Fishers Tree Services 317-537-9770

Healthy Soil

You can tell the difference between healthy soil and unhealthy soil simply by taking a look. Healthy soil is rich in color, and contains a minimal level of moisture and softness. It will also contain organic matter, like earthworms and other insects. Unhealthy soil will be just the opposite: compacted, dry, dull in color, and crumbly.

Beyond what the eye can detect, healthy soil has addition attributes that contrast the properties of unhealthy soil. For instance, healthy soil is full of nutrients and organic matter, and contains the proper pH levels conducive to plant growth. Unhealthy soil lacks sufficient nutrients, and may even contain high levels of salts, pesticides, or other toxins.

Soil Testing

You can start with a soil test kit to determine the condition of your garden’s soil. Soil test kits are available at any local home improvement or gardening store, and range in price depending on brand, size, and quality. These kits test the pH levels of the soil, which denotes its acidity or basicity. Depending on its deficiencies, you will need to balance the soil’s levels out by making it more alkaline or acidic. The pH scale ranges from acidic to alkaline, on a numerical scale from 1 to 14, with a 7 being neutral.

Soil Fertilization

If you are required to fertilize your soil in order to improve its conditions, the best method is sub-surface application. Add the fertilizer to your soil before planting anything for best results. Once the tree or plant is in the ground, you can provide surface applications as needed or recommended by your Fishers tree service provider. If soil fertilization is not effective, your tree care contractor may suggest foliar spraying or trunk injections.

When it comes to choosing a soil fertilizer, there is a wrong and right choice. Be sure to choose a product that is 50% slow-release with a salt-index of less than 50. You do not want a fertilizer with a high ratio of potassium and phosphorous. Instead, go with a quality, nitrogen-based fertilizer. The general rule of thumb for application is between 2 and 4 pounds per 1,000 square feet.

Do You Need Professional Tree Care?

Call 317-537-9770 for professional and affordable Fishers tree service to keep your trees healthy all season long. We are experienced tree care contractors who provide a wide range of residential and commercial tree services, including routine tree service, major tree work, lot clearing, and more.

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Fishers Tree Service Coupons 317-537-9770

How to Choose the Right Tree for Your Landscape

If you have decided to add some trees to your yard, be sure you know how to match the right type of tree to your landscape. By choosing the wrong tree, you can risk losing your investment, damaging the surrounding landscape, and more. There are several considerations to discuss with your arborist before a. choosing a particular tree, and b. choosing a location for it. Continue reading to cover all of these topics and more before buying some new trees for your home or property.

Tree Selection and Planning

The first thing to consider before buying a new tree is the function it will serve on your property. Do this while also taking into consideration your region’s climate. You see, deciduous trees grow full in spring and summer, providing comfortable shade from the sun; and then lose their foliage in the winter to allow the sun’s rays to heat the home naturally. While evergreens and coniferous trees stay thick with foliage all year long, providing windbreaks, sound barriers, and privacy. So you have to decide which tree best suits your landscaping needs.

The second area to consider is the size and shape of the tree. Choose a short, wide spreading tree for areas beneath utility and power lines, or tall narrow trees between buildings for property lines and barriers. Massive, full trees are a good choice for arbors over driveways and streets, or for privacy. Depending on your particular needs and circumstances, the tree you choose will matter.

Third, and perhaps the most important area to consider is the location. There are several factors that influence the survival rate of a newly planted tree. Soil conditions, pH levels, sun and wind exposure, water drainage, soil compaction, vulnerability to insects and disease, amount of foot traffic, and space constraints are all things to think about and discuss with your arborist when choosing a good location for your tree.

Tree Service in Fishers

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Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and experienced arborists that are happy to assist with tree planting, tree removal, tree transplanting, and more! We offer a wide range of affordable tree services, for both commercial and residential properties. And on top of already low prices, we offer tree removal coupons too! Call 317-537-9770 for questions about planting trees in Fishers, IN today.

What Will Stunt a Tree’s Growth?

Planting new trees can be frustrating at times, especially since so many things can go wrong. Tree care is hard work, and there’s certainly a learning curve as you go. Trial and error make good gardeners, so don’t get too upset if a newly planted tree dies or stops growing. Learn the primary factors that influence tree growth, and the variables that can stunt it. Then you will be on the right track to better protect and care for your landscaping trees. Continue reading to learn the four primary reasons why a tree might die or stop growing.

Lack of Sunlight

Trees require a certain degree of sunlight to grow and produce oxygen. Sunlight is food for a tree and they need it to survive. If a tree is not receiving enough sunlight, it cannot produce enough oxygen and will eventually lose its leaves and die. Sometimes a large structure or tree can block sunlight from trees, while other times its circumstances out of your control, like overcast weather and storms.

Lack of Water

Just like sunlight and oxygen, tree require water for proper nourishment and healthy growth. Water depletion in trees can be caused by droughts, water source obstruction, root damage, and more. If you suspect your tree is not receiving enough water, try to set up a routine watering schedule until the problem is solved. Contact a licensed arborist for professional service and assistance.

Pest Infestations and Tampering

Insects and animals can also be a threat to the well-being of a tree. Beetles, like the Emerald Ash Borer, and other insects, like termites, wasps, and larvae, can be detrimental to a tree. They can use up all the trees nutrients and water, leaving the tree without sustenance. Without proper nourishment, a tree will stop growing and eventually die. Also, animals like raccoons can cause tree bark damage or over-consume foliage, leaving the tree in distress, stunting its growth.

Tree Service Fishers, Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We offer a wide selection of residential and commercial tree services at the most competitive prices in town. Our licensed arborists are licensed, punctual, and highly trained to solve any tree problem you have. Call 317-537-9770 when you need professional tree removal services you can trust in Fishers, IN.

Tree Planting Tips

When it comes to planting trees, survival is never a guarantee. External and internal conditions can make even the most perfectly planted trees might not work out in the end. So with this in mind, don’t feel let down if your newly planted tree doesn’t make it. Instead, check out these tips on planting trees to review your methods and possibly improve them for the next time.

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Fishers Tree Services 317-537-9770

Planting a Tree

The first place to start is your location. Think about where you are planting the tree, and if the soil is in good condition. Be sure to plant trees on level surfaces and far from construction sites. As for the hole size, dig a hole in the ground that is at least five times larger than the tree’s root ball. This will ensure there is plenty of space for the roots to breathe and grow. Also, be sure to not dig too deep. A common reason newly-planted flora fails is a result of planting them too deep into the ground. The hole only needs to be as deep as the height of the root ball.

Before placing the tree in the hole, be sure all nylon and twine are removed, and if the tree is balled, removal all the burlap as well. At this point, many people want to use fertilizers or soil enhancers to better ensure to proper growth of their tree, but this isn’t really necessary. Fertilizing trees can be very effective depending on the circumstances, time of year, type of tree, and much more. Talk to a local tree care professional for advice about fertilizing newly-planted trees.

Instead of using fertilizer, or if you forgo the option of using fertilizer, simply reuse the soil dug from the hole. Fill in the hole and pat gently around the base of the tree trunk. Do not fill the soil higher than a quarter of an inch above the root ball. Instead, top off the base of the tree with a few inches of good-quality mulch or wood chips.

Now you are ready to water the entire tree and the soil around it. You can use stakes at this point if it’s necessary.

Professional Tree Service for Fishers, Indiana

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree care industry. We are happy to offer advice, service, and solutions for planting trees on your property.

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Fishers Tree Service Coupons 317-537-9770